Thursday, 27 June 2013

My cat doesn't want to eat!

My Fluffy (that's his name) has not been eating since last night, and I was really worried. I know it might be because we have done a four-hour trip to a new house. I think he stressed out because you know, after suffering from a high temperature on the road, he also had to face our other cats in the new house. The other cats showed a bad temper and were really not friendly. He couldn't make it up. He always hides and hides. And what makes it worse, he stopped eating! He hides in my room mostly and doesn't want to get out. I've been trying to make him eat, like bringing him the food and water he likes. But it doesn't work.
Finally, I bring the food and the water to my room. I put the bowls there. I wait. And he eats! He is hungry but he is too afraid of getting out from his comfort zone. I learn something now.
The problem solved! Is it good to always follow his will? I just don't know yet, only thing I know, my Fluffy eats again. :)


Saturday, 30 June 2012

Agyness Deyn narrates a monologue :)

"It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed, that someone could be that important - that without them, you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you. And when it's over, and it's gone, you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back - so that you could have the good."

-Agyness Deyn in Rihanna's music video "we found love"

Agyness Deyn from all of sources

Thursday, 28 June 2012

I was there, unprotected

I was there, unprotected
My head was banging here and there
My body was shaking uncontrolled

I was there, unprotected
I clung on that thing
I don't know what was it (or could I name it?)
It was always there
Be my personal hero

I was there, unprotected
Getting mad, uncontrolled
Freaked out
It ran faster
Out of control
Stopped suddenly
then ran again
Turn left
Turn right
Tires screeching
Didn't realize I am a human

I was there, unprotected
My body was shaking
My eyes, stagnant
My lips, stiff

I was sitting in the edge
Tried to think
Questioning "what am I to you?" "what am I to you?" "what am I to you?"
in silent
an hour to spend
Tears were already dry
already wry

I was there, unprotected


Saturday, 16 June 2012

change me, change us.

People change as well as their mind
Sometimes they want to stay
But in the other time they want to leave
Sometimes they found it the best
But in the other time they found it the worst
Sometimes they don't want to give up
But in the other time they want to give up
Sometimes they know it is easy
But in the other time they know it is difficult

Every second is able to change us
from who we really are not into something who we really are
from who we really are into something who we really are not

In us, there are people's mind
we don't live for only one's mind
they are already ready to change us whenever they want to

just hold what is in your hand, and never let it go.

To someone who is in a realm of dream :)


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Just a Moment

It's just a moment in your life to meet a rare chance like this
You just don't know what's going on outside that gate
All you know is just sitting at your position and enjoying such a beautiful sky
He is sunny and bright, it is a very unusual look
He is clear and smooth, it is vividly seen
There he comes
Shows his love and kindness
Gives opportunity for a person like me
Only for savouring and enshrining it on gallery
Feel satisfied with his best shot
Never regret for wasting a-five-minute time of your entire life
It's just a moment in your life

and just call me a manipulator

Options won't come
to you
Your life has been design to be a dead puppet
Controlled by such a manipulator--like me
and you really have to know
A manipulator has always authority
To control
To command
To possess
as a puppet
The weak
The poor
The lame one
You can neither protest nor complain
a puppet will always be a puppet
It's been arranged
for your life!
Isn't it irony?
human-like physically
but nothing
It is only about a show!
incredibly to appear
fantastically to arise
extraordinarily to emerge
but still
Manipulator has power
and you

Such a pleasure to be your manipulator
I'm much obligated


This writing is inspired from

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Debat, dan Grammar pun Tidak Kau Hiraukan

Pernah ikutan lomba debat? Debat Bahasa Inggris?
Belum pernah? atau pernah? atau sering? sesering apakah Anda mengikuti lomba debat?
Iya, gue pernah ikutan lomba debat, malahan gue "sering" ikutan Debate Competition
Tau rasanya kaya gimana? Nervous pasti, deg-degan udah gak kepikiran lagi, bahkan bolak-balik wc pun sering gue lakukan karna gue sering mules ketika gue dihadapkan pada situasi itu.
Gue ikutan lomba-lomba debat ini ketika gue duduk di bangku SMA, yaaa SMA, hehehehe

Hari itu, gue mesti mempersiapkan argumen dari dua sisi, affirmative dan negative side. Kita belum tau apakah kita berada di negative team ataukah affirmative team, maka dari itu kita mesti mempersiapkan argumen dari sisi negatif dan juga positif. Mosi yang ditawarkan pun beragam, ada 4 mosi, dan masing-masing mosi memang menimbulkan pro kontra.
Debate Competition ini diadakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Karawang, dan seluruh SMA di Karawang mesti mengirimkan wakilnya untuk maju di ajang ini (alaaah, meuni ajang atuuuh)

kebetulan, tadi gue liat-liat catetan gue yang dulu-dulu, dan adalah si berkas-berkas ini. Gue mencatatat 4 mosi nya pada kertas buram (gak niat banget)

See? betapa gak niat nya gue nulis mosi-mosi ini.
Unfortunately, gue lupa dimana menyimpan catetan gue yang lainnya, yang ketemu cuma ketika gue nulis argumen (positif dan negatif) untuk "pacaran motivate our study" "internet causes moral degradation" dan "television commercial exploit children"
here there are

You know what's funny? There are sooo many grammatical errors there, hahahaha
But lucky me that the adjudicator did not score the grammar, they focused on the content, dan bagaimana cara kita mempertahankan argumen kita, HAHA

Alhamdulilah, pada saat itu, walaupun gue sering melakukan kesalahan grammar, namun speaking gue oke, dan gue mempertahankan argumen juga oke, maka dari itu gue selalu mendapatkan Best Speaker =P
Oia, gue hampir lupa, gue disini jadi second speaker yang tugasnya memberikan evidence dari apa yang telah dibicarakan oleh first speaker. Disini tugas gue sepertinya lebih berat, karena gue juga mesti jadi replied speaker yang tugasnya in the end of our performance, gue mesti meng-conclude semuanya dan juga menjudge bahwa apa yang dibicarakan oleh kompetitor kita itu salah, dan argumen kita lah yang bener hahahaha
Praise the Lord too, kita memenangkan Juara 3 pada Debate Competition yang diadakan Dinas Pendidikan Karawang =P

Yah sepertinya sekian saja, just a brief from me =)
Debat, dan grammar pun tidak kau hiraukan.. it rings right =P