Sunday, 28 August 2011

Welcome Morning!

I welcome you morning...
With these weak eyes seeing, with these hands typing, with these ears listening to the music.
I'm trapped in the dark room with so many dead stuffs
My head is banging here and there with uncertain feelings
I know something, the balloon just goes up
Pumped up by music and it sets my mood instantaneously

Finally I'm crying for something unsure

I dont know, I just want to hit the hay
and dream of you
Start the day with the sun shining
and I? will be smiling
all day

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Ohh... Functional Grammar

This book entitled "Making Sense of Functional Grammar"
The first time I bought and saw the book, I wondered why the title should put the phrase "Making Sense"?
Is this book non-sense?
Or... Is the Subject non-sense?
Or... what?
Slow but sure I learn the subject very carefully, why? because THIS SUBJECT IS REALLY REALLY NON-SENSE!!!
So, no wonder if Gerot and Wignell tried to make sense the subject. -__-"

err.. I should be thankful so much for you both! thank you, really I do.

It is indeed really true, theory without practicing is nothing and the reverse.
Maybe that is one of the reasons why my lecturer gives us so many assignments that should be compiled by tomorrow.
*Tepok jidat

K! MAM! K!

with this weak body and soul, I will try to do my best!!!

Ahh Forget! tomorrow is the last class. *sedih oge

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Is this what you want, mum?
See your little daughter crying over night for something you dont really know?
See your little sunshine burying herself alive for something you are not really sure?

Good mother...
You have chosen the best choice for your little sunshine to die
Not by choking, shooting, or giving your little daughter a poison.
By this way, you have killed your lovely daughter inside.
You steal your precious daughter's life.
Do you know what 'life' means for your little sunshine?
Do you know that?
Can you feel what your little flower feel?

Do you know that your little daughter hates you so much now?
Because of this?

Sometimes, there is a thing you dont have to know
Sometimes, It is me who know what is right or what is wrong.

It is too late
"Mah, aku sudah mati, aku tak punya hidup lagi, hidupku sudah pergi..
iya..... karenamu"