Thursday, 27 June 2013

My cat doesn't want to eat!

My Fluffy (that's his name) has not been eating since last night, and I was really worried. I know it might be because we have done a four-hour trip to a new house. I think he stressed out because you know, after suffering from a high temperature on the road, he also had to face our other cats in the new house. The other cats showed a bad temper and were really not friendly. He couldn't make it up. He always hides and hides. And what makes it worse, he stopped eating! He hides in my room mostly and doesn't want to get out. I've been trying to make him eat, like bringing him the food and water he likes. But it doesn't work.
Finally, I bring the food and the water to my room. I put the bowls there. I wait. And he eats! He is hungry but he is too afraid of getting out from his comfort zone. I learn something now.
The problem solved! Is it good to always follow his will? I just don't know yet, only thing I know, my Fluffy eats again. :)


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