"It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed, that someone could be that important - that without them, you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you. And when it's over, and it's gone, you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back - so that you could have the good."
-Agyness Deyn in Rihanna's music video "we found love"
Source: http://www.vogue.co.uk/news/2011/10/20/rihanna-we-found-love-video---agyness-deyn-voice
Agyness Deyn from all of sources
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
I was there, unprotected
I was there, unprotected
My head was banging here and there
My body was shaking uncontrolled
I was there, unprotected
I clung on that thing
I don't know what was it (or could I name it?)
It was always there
Be my personal hero
I was there, unprotected
Getting mad, uncontrolled
Freaked out
It ran faster
Out of control
Stopped suddenly
then ran again
Turn left
Turn right
Tires screeching
Didn't realize I am a human
I was there, unprotected
My body was shaking
My eyes, stagnant
My lips, stiff
I was sitting in the edge
Tried to think
Questioning "what am I to you?" "what am I to you?" "what am I to you?"
in silent
an hour to spend
Tears were already dry
already wry
I was there, unprotected
My head was banging here and there
My body was shaking uncontrolled
I was there, unprotected
I clung on that thing
I don't know what was it (or could I name it?)
It was always there
Be my personal hero
I was there, unprotected
Getting mad, uncontrolled
Freaked out
It ran faster
Out of control
Stopped suddenly
then ran again
Turn left
Turn right
Tires screeching
Didn't realize I am a human
I was there, unprotected
My body was shaking
My eyes, stagnant
My lips, stiff
I was sitting in the edge
Tried to think
Questioning "what am I to you?" "what am I to you?" "what am I to you?"
in silent
an hour to spend
Tears were already dry
already wry
I was there, unprotected
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(source) |
Saturday, 16 June 2012
change me, change us.
People change as well as their mind
Sometimes they want to stay
But in the other time they want to leave
Sometimes they found it the best
But in the other time they found it the worst
Sometimes they don't want to give up
But in the other time they want to give up
Sometimes they know it is easy
But in the other time they know it is difficult
Every second is able to change us
from who we really are not into something who we really are
from who we really are into something who we really are not
In us, there are people's mind
we don't live for only one's mind
they are already ready to change us whenever they want to
just hold what is in your hand, and never let it go.
To someone who is in a realm of dream :)
Sometimes they want to stay
But in the other time they want to leave
Sometimes they found it the best
But in the other time they found it the worst
Sometimes they don't want to give up
But in the other time they want to give up
Sometimes they know it is easy
But in the other time they know it is difficult
Every second is able to change us
from who we really are not into something who we really are
from who we really are into something who we really are not
In us, there are people's mind
we don't live for only one's mind
they are already ready to change us whenever they want to
just hold what is in your hand, and never let it go.
To someone who is in a realm of dream :)
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(source) |
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Just a Moment
It's just a moment in your life to meet a rare chance like this
You just don't know what's going on outside that gate
All you know is just sitting at your position and enjoying such a beautiful sky
He is sunny and bright, it is a very unusual look
He is clear and smooth, it is vividly seen
There he comes
Shows his love and kindness
Gives opportunity for a person like me
Only for savouring and enshrining it on gallery
Feel satisfied with his best shot
Never regret for wasting a-five-minute time of your entire life
It's just a moment in your life
You just don't know what's going on outside that gate
All you know is just sitting at your position and enjoying such a beautiful sky
He is sunny and bright, it is a very unusual look
He is clear and smooth, it is vividly seen
There he comes
Shows his love and kindness
Gives opportunity for a person like me
Only for savouring and enshrining it on gallery
Feel satisfied with his best shot
Never regret for wasting a-five-minute time of your entire life
It's just a moment in your life
and just call me a manipulator
Options won't come
to you
Your life has been design to be a dead puppet
Controlled by such a manipulator--like me
and you really have to know
A manipulator has always authority
To control
To command
To possess
as a puppet
The weak
The poor
The lame one
You can neither protest nor complain
a puppet will always be a puppet
It's been arranged
for your life!
Isn't it irony?
human-like physically
but nothing
It is only about a show!
incredibly to appear
fantastically to arise
extraordinarily to emerge
but still
Manipulator has power
and you
Such a pleasure to be your manipulator
I'm much obligated
to you
Your life has been design to be a dead puppet
Controlled by such a manipulator--like me
and you really have to know
A manipulator has always authority
To control
To command
To possess
as a puppet
The weak
The poor
The lame one
You can neither protest nor complain
a puppet will always be a puppet
It's been arranged
for your life!
Isn't it irony?
human-like physically
but nothing
It is only about a show!
incredibly to appear
fantastically to arise
extraordinarily to emerge
but still
Manipulator has power
and you
Such a pleasure to be your manipulator
I'm much obligated
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Marionette |
This writing is inspired from mere-assumptions.blogspot.com
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Debat, dan Grammar pun Tidak Kau Hiraukan
Pernah ikutan lomba debat? Debat Bahasa Inggris?
Belum pernah? atau pernah? atau sering? sesering apakah Anda mengikuti lomba debat?
Iya, gue pernah ikutan lomba debat, malahan gue "sering" ikutan Debate Competition
Tau rasanya kaya gimana? Nervous pasti, deg-degan udah gak kepikiran lagi, bahkan bolak-balik wc pun sering gue lakukan karna gue sering mules ketika gue dihadapkan pada situasi itu.
Gue ikutan lomba-lomba debat ini ketika gue duduk di bangku SMA, yaaa SMA, hehehehe
Hari itu, gue mesti mempersiapkan argumen dari dua sisi, affirmative dan negative side. Kita belum tau apakah kita berada di negative team ataukah affirmative team, maka dari itu kita mesti mempersiapkan argumen dari sisi negatif dan juga positif. Mosi yang ditawarkan pun beragam, ada 4 mosi, dan masing-masing mosi memang menimbulkan pro kontra.
Debate Competition ini diadakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Karawang, dan seluruh SMA di Karawang mesti mengirimkan wakilnya untuk maju di ajang ini (alaaah, meuni ajang atuuuh)
kebetulan, tadi gue liat-liat catetan gue yang dulu-dulu, dan adalah si berkas-berkas ini. Gue mencatatat 4 mosi nya pada kertas buram (gak niat banget)
See? betapa gak niat nya gue nulis mosi-mosi ini.
Unfortunately, gue lupa dimana menyimpan catetan gue yang lainnya, yang ketemu cuma ketika gue nulis argumen (positif dan negatif) untuk "pacaran motivate our study" "internet causes moral degradation" dan "television commercial exploit children"
here there are

Yah sepertinya sekian saja, just a brief from me =)
Debat, dan grammar pun tidak kau hiraukan.. it rings right =P
Belum pernah? atau pernah? atau sering? sesering apakah Anda mengikuti lomba debat?
Iya, gue pernah ikutan lomba debat, malahan gue "sering" ikutan Debate Competition
Tau rasanya kaya gimana? Nervous pasti, deg-degan udah gak kepikiran lagi, bahkan bolak-balik wc pun sering gue lakukan karna gue sering mules ketika gue dihadapkan pada situasi itu.
Gue ikutan lomba-lomba debat ini ketika gue duduk di bangku SMA, yaaa SMA, hehehehe
Hari itu, gue mesti mempersiapkan argumen dari dua sisi, affirmative dan negative side. Kita belum tau apakah kita berada di negative team ataukah affirmative team, maka dari itu kita mesti mempersiapkan argumen dari sisi negatif dan juga positif. Mosi yang ditawarkan pun beragam, ada 4 mosi, dan masing-masing mosi memang menimbulkan pro kontra.
Debate Competition ini diadakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Karawang, dan seluruh SMA di Karawang mesti mengirimkan wakilnya untuk maju di ajang ini (alaaah, meuni ajang atuuuh)
kebetulan, tadi gue liat-liat catetan gue yang dulu-dulu, dan adalah si berkas-berkas ini. Gue mencatatat 4 mosi nya pada kertas buram (gak niat banget)
See? betapa gak niat nya gue nulis mosi-mosi ini.
Unfortunately, gue lupa dimana menyimpan catetan gue yang lainnya, yang ketemu cuma ketika gue nulis argumen (positif dan negatif) untuk "pacaran motivate our study" "internet causes moral degradation" dan "television commercial exploit children"
here there are
You know what's funny? There are sooo many grammatical errors there, hahahaha
But lucky me that the adjudicator did not score the grammar, they focused on the content, dan bagaimana cara kita mempertahankan argumen kita, HAHA
Alhamdulilah, pada saat itu, walaupun gue sering melakukan kesalahan grammar, namun speaking gue oke, dan gue mempertahankan argumen juga oke, maka dari itu gue selalu mendapatkan Best Speaker =P
Oia, gue hampir lupa, gue disini jadi second speaker yang tugasnya memberikan evidence dari apa yang telah dibicarakan oleh first speaker. Disini tugas gue sepertinya lebih berat, karena gue juga mesti jadi replied speaker yang tugasnya in the end of our performance, gue mesti meng-conclude semuanya dan juga menjudge bahwa apa yang dibicarakan oleh kompetitor kita itu salah, dan argumen kita lah yang bener hahahaha
Praise the Lord too, kita memenangkan Juara 3 pada Debate Competition yang diadakan Dinas Pendidikan Karawang =P
Yah sepertinya sekian saja, just a brief from me =)
Debat, dan grammar pun tidak kau hiraukan.. it rings right =P
Saturday, 7 April 2012
"kepo bener deh gue"
Tau gak? gue mengenal ke'kepo'an ini semenjak gue kuliah
Gue gak pernah ngepoin orang sebelumnya (ehm, gak pernah =P)
Semenjak gue punya Friendster pun gue gak pernah tuh pengen tau urusan orang lain (taraaaam)
Tapi semenjak si mamang Mark Zuckerberg meng-invent yang namanya Facebook, saat itulah gue menyadari betapa KEPO nya gue
gue bikin Facebook kalau gak salah, SMA kelas 3, yah sekitar tahun 2009
Awal-awal sih, gue gak ngerti how to operate this kinda thing
I thought that Facebook was only the same with Friendster, and I just thought that salah satu fitur unggulan Facebook yaaa cuma bisa chatting aja (walaupun dulu gue pake MIRC untuk chatting mameeeeen, akhirnya I have to admit it, pasrah)
Tapi ternyata nggak gitu, FAcebook punya kelebihan lain, yaitu GUE BISA NGEPOIN ORANG
sebenernya gue kepo ketika gue masuk kuliah (I have mentioned it)
When I admired someone in my college, gue mulai ngepoin dia nya (halaaaaah, yg tau pasti ngapung nah idungnya)
Tapi untungnya, ketika kenal dengan orangnya gue kaga lagi-lagi ngepoin ni orang, HAHAHA
Akhir-akhir ini, iya, akhir-akhir ini, mameeeen
gue kembali ngepoin orang (gue disebut secret admirer atau stalker ya ama tu orang? hihi)
Tau bedanya secret admirer ama stalker? hahaha, find out by yourself, if you have found it, bilang sama gue, boleh di add d kolom komen =P
Gue gak begitu kenal dengan orang-orang ini, malahan mereka semua acquaintances
Tapi gue personally, gak tau kenapa bisa ampe kepo banget ama orang-orang ini
padahal gue GAK ADA urusan sama sekali sama mereka nya
Bukan cuma dari Facebook pemirsah, tp juga dari twitter, dan pada saat gue pake **, gue juga sering banget kepo di *** (hahahhaa, sial)
tapi untung gue udah gak pake **, menurun lah sudah kekepoan gue terhadap orang ini
Pada saat proses mengepo, gue sering sadar sendiri, dan akhirnya gue berhenti melakukannya (ada apa dengan gue God???)
gue pengen gak jadi kepo lagi, gak, gak pengen.
Apa mungkin hidup gue yg tidak ramai? Ahh tidak tau juga gue
Yang jelas, gue mau menurunkan kadar kekepoan ini, (serius)
I dont want to be stalker
Gue merasa nyaman dengan hidup gue yg sekarang, meskipun banyak gonjang ganjing tentang gue diluar sana
(gue sih adem ayem aja, soalnya insya alloh itu mengurangi dosa gue, hahahaha since I know that I am a beautiful sinner =P)
Yah sekian saja, Oh iya, pesen dari gue
Everyone can be a stalker, it is really possible, but try not to, your life would be more comfortable I'm sure =P
"kepo bener deh gue"
Tau gak? gue mengenal ke'kepo'an ini semenjak gue kuliah
Gue gak pernah ngepoin orang sebelumnya (ehm, gak pernah =P)
Semenjak gue punya Friendster pun gue gak pernah tuh pengen tau urusan orang lain (taraaaam)
Tapi semenjak si mamang Mark Zuckerberg meng-invent yang namanya Facebook, saat itulah gue menyadari betapa KEPO nya gue
gue bikin Facebook kalau gak salah, SMA kelas 3, yah sekitar tahun 2009
Awal-awal sih, gue gak ngerti how to operate this kinda thing
I thought that Facebook was only the same with Friendster, and I just thought that salah satu fitur unggulan Facebook yaaa cuma bisa chatting aja (walaupun dulu gue pake MIRC untuk chatting mameeeeen, akhirnya I have to admit it, pasrah)
Tapi ternyata nggak gitu, FAcebook punya kelebihan lain, yaitu GUE BISA NGEPOIN ORANG
sebenernya gue kepo ketika gue masuk kuliah (I have mentioned it)
When I admired someone in my college, gue mulai ngepoin dia nya (halaaaaah, yg tau pasti ngapung nah idungnya)
Tapi untungnya, ketika kenal dengan orangnya gue kaga lagi-lagi ngepoin ni orang, HAHAHA
Akhir-akhir ini, iya, akhir-akhir ini, mameeeen
gue kembali ngepoin orang (gue disebut secret admirer atau stalker ya ama tu orang? hihi)
Tau bedanya secret admirer ama stalker? hahaha, find out by yourself, if you have found it, bilang sama gue, boleh di add d kolom komen =P
Gue gak begitu kenal dengan orang-orang ini, malahan mereka semua acquaintances
Tapi gue personally, gak tau kenapa bisa ampe kepo banget ama orang-orang ini
padahal gue GAK ADA urusan sama sekali sama mereka nya
Bukan cuma dari Facebook pemirsah, tp juga dari twitter, dan pada saat gue pake **, gue juga sering banget kepo di *** (hahahhaa, sial)
tapi untung gue udah gak pake **, menurun lah sudah kekepoan gue terhadap orang ini
Pada saat proses mengepo, gue sering sadar sendiri, dan akhirnya gue berhenti melakukannya (ada apa dengan gue God???)
gue pengen gak jadi kepo lagi, gak, gak pengen.
Apa mungkin hidup gue yg tidak ramai? Ahh tidak tau juga gue
Yang jelas, gue mau menurunkan kadar kekepoan ini, (serius)
I dont want to be stalker
Gue merasa nyaman dengan hidup gue yg sekarang, meskipun banyak gonjang ganjing tentang gue diluar sana
(gue sih adem ayem aja, soalnya insya alloh itu mengurangi dosa gue, hahahaha since I know that I am a beautiful sinner =P)
Yah sekian saja, Oh iya, pesen dari gue
Everyone can be a stalker, it is really possible, but try not to, your life would be more comfortable I'm sure =P
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Isn't it cute? =))
Hey there!
I'm here again, back for you again! I know you miss me already =P
What is it now?
yesterday, I just got Kewirus class
We had to invite one of entrepreneurs whom we like
We then decided to invite the owner of Flashy =)
Flashy is running its business on bags and clothing
I think it has a good taste on bags and wallets, I love them since I got a beautiful red wallet from Flashy =)
(I'm gonna upload it later)
But this is not about the wallet I got from Flashy
I'm talking about the design made by a friend of mine.
The design is presented for Flashy as the keepsake
do you wanna see it?
Here it is =)
Isn't it cute?
Okay well, I wanna introduce you all of my friends! But before that, can you guess which one am I?
Yes, nice try! but thank you for guessing =)
I have short hair and the shape of my face is square but I'm not Spongebob squareface *naon
So, can you guess now?
Yes, that's right! that's me! you did it great =))
Okay now, it's time for my friends.. start from my left side, she is Ikha, then move to the top, she is Dayu, move again to the top, the girl wearing veil, she is Diena, in the very top *in the middle* she is Bouyant, in the boyan's right side is Pudar, she is wearing veil and she has so much acne is her face =P, in the middle between Pudar and me, she is Mira.
We are a group in Kewirus class
I have never thought that the design would be very cute and eye-catchy
you did it great, then =))
thank you for helping me and my friends =))
this is memorable =))
I'm here again, back for you again! I know you miss me already =P
What is it now?
yesterday, I just got Kewirus class
We had to invite one of entrepreneurs whom we like
We then decided to invite the owner of Flashy =)
Flashy is running its business on bags and clothing
I think it has a good taste on bags and wallets, I love them since I got a beautiful red wallet from Flashy =)
(I'm gonna upload it later)
But this is not about the wallet I got from Flashy
I'm talking about the design made by a friend of mine.
The design is presented for Flashy as the keepsake
do you wanna see it?
Here it is =)
Isn't it cute?
Okay well, I wanna introduce you all of my friends! But before that, can you guess which one am I?
Yes, nice try! but thank you for guessing =)
I have short hair and the shape of my face is square but I'm not Spongebob squareface *naon
So, can you guess now?
Yes, that's right! that's me! you did it great =))
Okay now, it's time for my friends.. start from my left side, she is Ikha, then move to the top, she is Dayu, move again to the top, the girl wearing veil, she is Diena, in the very top *in the middle* she is Bouyant, in the boyan's right side is Pudar, she is wearing veil and she has so much acne is her face =P, in the middle between Pudar and me, she is Mira.
We are a group in Kewirus class
I have never thought that the design would be very cute and eye-catchy
you did it great, then =))
thank you for helping me and my friends =))
this is memorable =))
Monday, 26 March 2012
The Highest One Everybody!!!
Hey hey my blog and my special ones who always come and visit, that's a very nice of you =))
For weeks I didn't post because I had some works I should finish (which work by the way? haha, never mind)
Okay, this time I just wanna tell you that I got the highest score on Fruit Ninja game!!!
Are you familiar with the game?
Okay, for those who are not familiar with this game, I'll tell you a brief
If you have andorid phones, Iphone, or ipad, it's a must to install the game on your phone
you might ask why, this just because the game developed by Halfbrick Studios is very very challenging and addicting moreover if you choose to play it on arcade mode! (Arcade mode is one of modes in which players have only sixty seconds to achieve a high score. Special bananas are added to the standard fruit which have unique bonuses such as doubling points scored for a limited time, increasing the amount of fruit on the screen, or slowing down the movement of all fruit for a short period of time, source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_Ninja)
Do I make myself clear? so fruit ninja is the game where you as the player must slice the fruit thrown on the screen.
For me, getting the highest score in arcade mode on my own phone is magnificent! (lebay)
I should take efforts to make it up! (lebay oge)
Are you wondering how much my score is?
I'm glad to tell you this =))
The score is not too much, but worth it =))
Let's see on the screenshot =))
For weeks I didn't post because I had some works I should finish (which work by the way? haha, never mind)
Okay, this time I just wanna tell you that I got the highest score on Fruit Ninja game!!!
Are you familiar with the game?
Okay, for those who are not familiar with this game, I'll tell you a brief
If you have andorid phones, Iphone, or ipad, it's a must to install the game on your phone
you might ask why, this just because the game developed by Halfbrick Studios is very very challenging and addicting moreover if you choose to play it on arcade mode! (Arcade mode is one of modes in which players have only sixty seconds to achieve a high score. Special bananas are added to the standard fruit which have unique bonuses such as doubling points scored for a limited time, increasing the amount of fruit on the screen, or slowing down the movement of all fruit for a short period of time, source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_Ninja)
Do I make myself clear? so fruit ninja is the game where you as the player must slice the fruit thrown on the screen.
For me, getting the highest score in arcade mode on my own phone is magnificent! (lebay)
I should take efforts to make it up! (lebay oge)
Are you wondering how much my score is?
I'm glad to tell you this =))
The score is not too much, but worth it =))
Let's see on the screenshot =))
Saturday, 10 March 2012
and she is... T_T
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Agyness Deyn |
I'm crying three day for seeing this T_T
(over reacting)
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! I'm your super power fans Aggy! Take me home with you, adopt meeeee....! Like Angelina Jolie always does T__T please please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :"((
Left Leg Pain
He opens the door and starts to walk on the street near the house.
He sees an old lady waves her hands, smiles, and mouths to him. To him?
He even cannot recognize the sound coming from her mouth
He frowns at her with a suspicious gaze (maybe he doesn't know her after all this time he lives in the same street with the old lady)
As he passes the old lady by, he sees the two kids fighting each other (how come these two kids fighting and nobody there who even cares about the poor kids?! they are fighting and they are bleeding!)
It seems that he doesn't care about the kids too, he just glances at them and continues his walk as if nothing happens
He walks and walks and walks and listens to the music through earphones put on since he went out from the house.
realizing that he is on the high street where the luxurious shops and important businesses all over the world (remember, the world!) are there, he stops under the traffic light (yes one of the traffic lights because now he is at intersection where four roads join or cross each other and each has its own traffic light, right?)
He observes the circumstances surrounding him.
The wind blows at his face which makes him probably feel pleasant.
The noises created by the crowd don't make him feel annoyed.
He closes his eyes, he sighs heavily, and hums "Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this life...
Trying to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die. I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet, yeah."
He sees an old lady waves her hands, smiles, and mouths to him. To him?
He even cannot recognize the sound coming from her mouth
He frowns at her with a suspicious gaze (maybe he doesn't know her after all this time he lives in the same street with the old lady)
As he passes the old lady by, he sees the two kids fighting each other (how come these two kids fighting and nobody there who even cares about the poor kids?! they are fighting and they are bleeding!)
It seems that he doesn't care about the kids too, he just glances at them and continues his walk as if nothing happens
He walks and walks and walks and listens to the music through earphones put on since he went out from the house.
realizing that he is on the high street where the luxurious shops and important businesses all over the world (remember, the world!) are there, he stops under the traffic light (yes one of the traffic lights because now he is at intersection where four roads join or cross each other and each has its own traffic light, right?)
He observes the circumstances surrounding him.
The wind blows at his face which makes him probably feel pleasant.
The noises created by the crowd don't make him feel annoyed.
He closes his eyes, he sighs heavily, and hums "Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this life...
Trying to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die. I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet, yeah."
He steps out, the first leg used is the left one (why should the left leg be the first?)
He probably doesn't push the button in Pelican to activate the signal of pedestrian to be allowed to cross first. Does he?
So he crosses the road where millions vehicles passing out with such a pleasure
He hums again "No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change, but I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold. But I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."
"I can't change my mold, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOO!!!" he screams
Friday, 9 March 2012
It's raining
"meuni gak ada senengnya banget idup" He said
"so you are not happy to have me in your life, dad?" I whisper very silently to my heart
"well okay, I'm happy to have you in my life, dad"
Whatever makes you down, I'm here when you need me =)
Love you :*
"so you are not happy to have me in your life, dad?" I whisper very silently to my heart
"well okay, I'm happy to have you in my life, dad"
Whatever makes you down, I'm here when you need me =)
Love you :*
Bruno to Hugo
I have two questions for you related to what I'm going to write.
The first one is, have you ever heard the name of "Bruno" in the movie of the Boy in the Striped Pajamas?
The movie was made in 2008, at that moment the young "Bruno" was 11 years old (the real age of the actor)
in the very young age, the young "Bruno" has been chosen to be an actor in one of great movies (in my opinion) directed by Mark Herman.
His character in this movie is depicted as the boy who likes adventures and is innocent. And also he is described as the boy who lives in a wealthy family. That's the brief description about the young Bruno in the movie of the Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
Now, my last question is, have you ever heard Hugo?
Hugo is the title of the movie and also the name of the main character.
Hugo was made in 2011 which the age of the actor was 14 years old.
three years later after having a role as Bruno.
Hugo is an orphan. He lives in the walls of a train station.
His character is also conceived as the boy who likes adventures and is always curious about something.
Now, the third question is (actually if we count it, I have three questions =P) What makes them different?
In Hugo, the character is an orphan who lives in the walls of a train station. He has to steal some food in the train station to eat while in the Boy in the Striped Pajamas, the actor lives with his parents and his older sister and he has a wealthy family. He does not have to steal if he wants to eat, any kind of food is well served on the dining table.
The last question is (oh actually I got four questions! =P) What makes them similar?
The similarities found in both movies are, the first one is their character.
Both Bruno and Hugo have similar characters, they like to adventure, they are always curious about something and always want to find an answer beyond it.
The second similarity is the actor who plays in both movies is the same person: Asa Butterfield.
He acts out both movies professionally and very cleverly.
Asa Maxwell Thornton F. Butterfield or Asa Butterfield was born on April 1 1997.
He is an English actor who starts acting when he was 7.
The first one is, have you ever heard the name of "Bruno" in the movie of the Boy in the Striped Pajamas?
The movie was made in 2008, at that moment the young "Bruno" was 11 years old (the real age of the actor)
in the very young age, the young "Bruno" has been chosen to be an actor in one of great movies (in my opinion) directed by Mark Herman.
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Bruno |
Now, my last question is, have you ever heard Hugo?
Hugo is the title of the movie and also the name of the main character.
Hugo was made in 2011 which the age of the actor was 14 years old.
three years later after having a role as Bruno.
Hugo is an orphan. He lives in the walls of a train station.
His character is also conceived as the boy who likes adventures and is always curious about something.
Now, the third question is (actually if we count it, I have three questions =P) What makes them different?
In Hugo, the character is an orphan who lives in the walls of a train station. He has to steal some food in the train station to eat while in the Boy in the Striped Pajamas, the actor lives with his parents and his older sister and he has a wealthy family. He does not have to steal if he wants to eat, any kind of food is well served on the dining table.
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Hugo |
The similarities found in both movies are, the first one is their character.
Both Bruno and Hugo have similar characters, they like to adventure, they are always curious about something and always want to find an answer beyond it.
The second similarity is the actor who plays in both movies is the same person: Asa Butterfield.
He acts out both movies professionally and very cleverly.
Asa Maxwell Thornton F. Butterfield or Asa Butterfield was born on April 1 1997.
He is an English actor who starts acting when he was 7.
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Asa Butterfield |
For your further reading:
Yes! Our shoes are almost the same... See? Almost!
Why I said they are "almost" the same it's because there are only few differences but many similarities =P
Let's see on the top side, those are my shoes. the color of my shoes is darker than my friend's (Pudar). That's the first difference: COLOR
The second one is placed on the price! yes, price! PRICE!
Mine is cheaper two times than hers! BUT we have the "almost" same shoes!!! (It feels good when you have something cheaper than the other thing which is quite the same =P) Hahahahaha
and the third difference is her shoes are more comfortable to be worn because they are made by qualified substance.
Price won't lie =P
that's why I tell you that our shoes are "almost" the same =P
Why I said they are "almost" the same it's because there are only few differences but many similarities =P
Let's see on the top side, those are my shoes. the color of my shoes is darker than my friend's (Pudar). That's the first difference: COLOR
The second one is placed on the price! yes, price! PRICE!
Mine is cheaper two times than hers! BUT we have the "almost" same shoes!!! (It feels good when you have something cheaper than the other thing which is quite the same =P) Hahahahaha
and the third difference is her shoes are more comfortable to be worn because they are made by qualified substance.
Price won't lie =P
that's why I tell you that our shoes are "almost" the same =P
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Blog and Movie List??
It has been a long time I didn't write in my lovely blog
actually, my blog was under construction from yesterday to this afternoon, I and a little help from my friend (thank you) finally could finish it =)
So glad to see my blog now, it has a new layout, a new template, new font, new gadgets, new background, etc (end of thinking capacity :P)
Yesterday, I was confused because actually I didn't understand (still do not understand) what is meant by HTML or Javascript, or CSS, or anything related to that kinda thing. (I'm newbie :P)
Well maybe that's a brief information about the new look of my blog.
Okay, ladies and gentleman
I have some movie lists this weekend, just check it out!
1. Shawshank Redemption, based on imdb, the rating for this movie is almost perfect, it is 9.2
It's worth it to try to watch this movie, lads and gents
2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, if you check on imdb, the rating is 8.1 which means it is also worth it to watch
3. Kill Bill vol 1 and 2, the rating of this movie is 8.2 for the vol 1 and 8.0 for the vol 2. if you haven't seen these movies, I suggest you to watch them now, because I myself admit that I have ever watched the movies, but I didn't really pay attention to these movies, but now I'm planning to watch them in the next few days =)
Well, maybe the movies are not happening now, they are very old old movies but legend! let's say Shawshank Redemption made in 1994, kill bill vol 1made in 2003, and kill bill vol 2 made in 2004. their ratings are over the average rating. so I do believe you won't regret it, lads and gents. Oh yah, I forget a movie, that is the girl with the dragoon tattoo. Actually the movie has been made in 2009 but then, it was made again in 2011. But for me, it's better for me to watch the second one, because if we see the face validity (the rating), the rating of the second movie is higher than the first one.
and tonight, I would love to watch movie entitled "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
Happy watching =))
actually, my blog was under construction from yesterday to this afternoon, I and a little help from my friend (thank you) finally could finish it =)
So glad to see my blog now, it has a new layout, a new template, new font, new gadgets, new background, etc (end of thinking capacity :P)
Yesterday, I was confused because actually I didn't understand (still do not understand) what is meant by HTML or Javascript, or CSS, or anything related to that kinda thing. (I'm newbie :P)
Well maybe that's a brief information about the new look of my blog.
Okay, ladies and gentleman
I have some movie lists this weekend, just check it out!
1. Shawshank Redemption, based on imdb, the rating for this movie is almost perfect, it is 9.2
It's worth it to try to watch this movie, lads and gents
2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, if you check on imdb, the rating is 8.1 which means it is also worth it to watch
3. Kill Bill vol 1 and 2, the rating of this movie is 8.2 for the vol 1 and 8.0 for the vol 2. if you haven't seen these movies, I suggest you to watch them now, because I myself admit that I have ever watched the movies, but I didn't really pay attention to these movies, but now I'm planning to watch them in the next few days =)
Well, maybe the movies are not happening now, they are very old old movies but legend! let's say Shawshank Redemption made in 1994, kill bill vol 1made in 2003, and kill bill vol 2 made in 2004. their ratings are over the average rating. so I do believe you won't regret it, lads and gents. Oh yah, I forget a movie, that is the girl with the dragoon tattoo. Actually the movie has been made in 2009 but then, it was made again in 2011. But for me, it's better for me to watch the second one, because if we see the face validity (the rating), the rating of the second movie is higher than the first one.
and tonight, I would love to watch movie entitled "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
Happy watching =))
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